Intermodal Transportation

Intermodal transportation is defined as transportation by use of many different methods without handling the goods or products in a single loading and with the same transportation unit.

The container transportation or transportation of trains by road, railway or sea is meant by the term. The aim of this type of transportation is the opening of the inlet of the unit at the place of delivery which was sealed at the place of loading. That transport of an empty container cannot be named as intermodal due to the emptiness.

“Multimodal Transportation is defined as the transportation of goods by at least two different methods of transport. That goods to be transported by use of a different method from a country and delivery of the same goods to be transported by use of a different method when compared to the first country are added to that definition in the United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport. By this addition, intermodal transportation has become a special implementation of multimodal transportation.”

Our Services

Truck + Ship

Truck + ship / ship + ship / ship + train combined transport

Ship + Ship

Combined transport to European, the Middle East and Americas

Ship + Train

Fast and cost-oriented logistics solutions


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